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Artículos, Encontrados 3 registros
Artículos Encontrados 3 registros  
25 p, 15.8 MB Insights on geochemical characteristics, microthermometry of hydrothermal fluids, and sulfur isotope systematics of the Daralu porphyry Cu deposit, SE Iran / Kahnou, Zahra Jalali (Shiraz University. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Earth Sciences) ; Tangestani, Majid H. (Shiraz University. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Earth Sciences) ; Asadi, Sina (Shiraz University. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Earth Sciences)
The Miocene Daralu Porphyry Copper Deposits (PCDs) is found associated with other porphyries such as Sarcheshmeh and Meiduk in the Kerman Cenozoic Magmatic Arc (KCMA), southern Iran. In this research, we provided whole-rock geochemical data, characteristics of hydrothermal fluid and sulfur isotope composition of the Daralu intrusive body, and discussed the nature, tectonic setting and fluid evolution of this deposit aiming to investigate its fertility. [...]
2023 - 10.1344/GeologicaActa2023.21.10
Geologica acta, Vol. 21 (2023) , p. 1-23, I-II (Articles)  
10 p, 284.9 KB The Regnal Years of Antigonos Gonatas / Coskun, Altay (University of Waterloo)
Although the decline of Demetrios I Poliorketes' rule and the succession by his son Antigonos II Gonatas are well known in principle, inconsistencies in the ancient sources have so far obscured the dynastic chronology. [...]
Aunque el declive del gobierno de Demetrios I Poliorketes y la sucesión por parte de su hijo Antigonos II Gonatas son bien conocidos en principio, las incoherencias de las fuentes antiguas han oscurecido hasta ahora la cronología dinástica. [...]

2021 - 10.5565/rev/karanos.73
Karanos, Vol. 4 (2021) , p. 49-58 (Articles)  
19 p, 1.9 MB El mestre Bartomeu de Girona / Barrachina, Jaume (Museu del Castell de Peralada)
Malgrat que la seva cronologia és tardana (fonamentalment el tercer quart del segle xiii), el mestre Bartomeu de Girona segueix essent l'escultor gòtic català més antic de nom conegut. En aquest estudi, es procura fer una anàlisi detallada dels monuments subsistents, s'hi proposen, per exemple, estructures més complexes per als sepulcres de Guillem de Montgrí o Pere el Gran, o la identificació de l'escultura mostra de la portada de Tarragona (el Sant Pere). [...]
Despite the late datation of his work (basically the third quarter of the xiii century), the Master Bartomeu of Gerona continues to be the oldest recorded Catalonian gothic sculptor known to us. This study aims to provide a detailed analysis of the existing monuments, proposing, for example, more complex structures for the tombs of Guillem of Montgrí and Pere the Great or for the identification of the sample sculpture of the portal of Tarragona (Saint Peter). [...]

2004 - 10.5565/rev/locus.143
Locus amoenus, N. 7 (2004) , p. 117-135  

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