Resultats globals: 8 registres trobats en 0.02 segons.
Articles, 8 registres trobats
Articles 8 registres trobats  
31 p, 501.1 KB Subjectivization and Intersubjectivization in the Evolution of the Verb "Témer" in Catalan (13th-19th c.) / Antolí Martínez, Jordi M. (Universitat d'Alacant)
In current-day Catalan, the verb témer ('to fear') has an intersubjective value, together with a lexical and epistemic/evidential value. It is used as a strategy of negative politeness in contexts where an apology is made or information that the speaker anticipates will displease or contradict the hearer/reader. [...]
En català actual, el verb témer presenta, juntament amb un valor lèxic i epistèmic/evidencial, un valor intersubjectiu. S'usa com a estratègia de cortesia negativa en contextos en què s'expressa disculpa o es transmet una informació que el parlant preveu que desagradarà o contradirà l'oient. [...]

2020 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.317
Catalan journal of linguistics, Special Issue (2020) , p. 129-159 (Articles)  
10 p, 140.4 KB Occupational therapy : autonomy, governmentality and subjectification / Gutiérrez Monclus, Pamela. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Pujol i Tarrés, Joan (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
This paper explores Occupational Therapy (OT) interventions using a dialogical perspective with therapists and people with functional diversity. [1] Framing the dialogue between the discourses that participate in the therapeutic process, the paper reflexively explores the interferences in the forms of subjectivity that the discipline promotes under the governmental umbrella. [...]
Este trabajo explora las intervenciones de Terapia Ocupacional (TO) utilizando una perspectiva dialógica con los terapeutas y con las personas con diversidad funcional. 2 Enmarcando el diálogo entre quienes participan en el proceso terapéutico el texto explora reflexivamente las interferencias de este diálogo sobre las formas de subjetividad que la disciplina promueve bajo una perspectiva gubernamental. [...]
Este trabalho explora as intervenções de Terapia Ocupacional (TO) utilizando uma perspectiva dialógica com os terapeutas e com as pessoas com diversidade funcional. [3] Delimitando o diálogo entre os que participam do processo terapêutico, o texto explora de forma reflexiva as interferências desse diálogo sobre as formas de subjetividade que a disciplina promove sob um ponto de vista governamental. [...]

2016 - 10.7440/res57.2016.05
Revista de estudios sociales, Núm. 57 (juliol 2016) , p. 68-77  
33 p, 387.6 KB Semantic change and intersubjectification : The origin of reprise evidential conditional in Old Catalan / Martines, Josep (Universitat d'Alacant)
The reprise evidential conditional (REC) is nowadays not very usual in Catalan: it is restricted to journalistic language and to some very formal genres (such as academic or legal language), it is not present in spontaneous discourse. [...]
El condicional evidencial de report (CER) no és gaire habitual en català: està restringit al llenguatge periodístic i a alguns registres molt formals (com el llenguatge acadèmic o el legal) i no es troba en el discurs espontani. [...]

2015 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.170
Catalan journal of linguistics, Vol. 14 (2015) , p. 79-111 (Articles)  
20 p, 429.0 KB Modal verbs, future and grammaticalization in Old Catalan : a cognitive approach / Sentí, Andreu (Universitat de València)
The process of grammaticalization of Catalan modal verbs deure, haver and tenir involves a semantic change, a rise of new meanings and an increase in their semantic network. On the one hand, deontic modal verbs develop inferential evidential meanings, and, on the other, future meanings (posteriority). [...]
La gramaticalització de les perífrasis verbals modals deure + Inf, haver (a/de) + Inf i tenira/de + Inf, i va comportar una evolució semàntica i un procés de polisemització ric i complex. Les perífrasis d'obligació desenvolupen, per una banda, uns valors evidencials d'inferència i, per l'altra, uns valors de posterioritat temporal o futur. [...]

2015 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.162
Catalan journal of linguistics, Vol. 14 (2015) , p. 179-198 (Articles)  
20 p, 189.5 KB Dinámicas de subjetivación y diferenciación en servicios sociales para Mujeres inmigradas en la ciudad de Barcelona / Montenegro Martinez, Marisela (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Psicologia Social) ; Galaz Valderrama, Caterine (Àmbit d'Investigació i Difusió María Corral) ; Yufra, Laura (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Montenegro Quitana, Karla (Fundació AKWABA)
Las Intervenciones sociales diseñadas e implementadas para la atención a mujeres migradas producen efectos de dominación mediante el uso de estrategias de diferenciación social cuyos efectos en el campo de la subjetividad son importantes de comprender. [...]
Social interventions designed and implemented at service provision for migrated women, produce domination effects by means of strategies of social differentiation that have significant effects in the field of subjectivity, and that are important to elucidate. [...]

2011 - 10.5565/rev/athenead/v11n2.709
Athenea digital : revista de pensamiento e investigación social, Vol. 11, Núm. 2 (Julio 2011) , p. 113-132  
12 p, 372.8 KB A Emoção é o Consumo : subjetivação e Agenciamentos da Vida Capital / Giusti Balestrin, Viviane (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul) ; Neves Strey, Marlene (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul) ; Domènech i Argemí, Miquel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Psicologia Social)
Este artigo se propõe a entender que a emoção, nos dias de hoje, é o próprio consumo e os processos de subjetivação atravessados nessa relação. Para isso, começa mapeando as transformações de uma sociedade industrial para uma sociedade pósindustrial, e a captura da vida por parte do capitalismo. [...]
In this article we argue that the concept of emotion has mutated into mere consumption, and we explore the processes of subjectification involved. We start by outlining the transformation of an industrial society into a postindustrial one. [...]

2008 - 10.5565/rev/athenead/v0n13.366
Athenea digital : revista de pensamiento e investigación social, N. 13 (2008) p. 121-132  
19 p, 109.8 KB Discussion article : discourse markers, modal particles, and contrastive analysis, synchronic and diachronic / Traugott, Elizabeth Closs (Stanford University)
I discuss three issues common to papers in the present issue of CatJL by Aijmer, Bazzanella et al. , and Waltereit and Detges. One is modal uses of discourse markers and distinctions between discourse markers and modal particles. [...]
En aquest article discutim tres elements comuns a les contribucions d'Aijmer, Bazzanella et al. , i Waltereit i Detges a aquest volum de CatJL. Un és els usos modals dels marcadors del discurs i les distincions entre marcadors del discurs i partícules modals. [...]

2007 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.128
Catalan journal of linguistics, V. 6 (2007) p. 139-157  
20 p, 116.2 KB Different functions, different histories. Modal particles and discourse markers from a diachronic point of view / Waltereit, Richard (Newcastle University. School of Modern Languages) ; Detges, Ulrich (University of Munich. Institut für Romanische Philologie)
One of the main concerns of recent research in discourse markers, modal particles and related elements has been the problem of a neat categorical delimitation between the major classes involved. Comparing the Spanish discourse particle bien and its French cognate modal particle bien, we show that the functional difference between discourse markers and modal particles can be accounted for in diachronic terms. [...]
2007 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.124
Catalan journal of linguistics, V. 6 (2007) p. 61-80  

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