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Articles, 1 registres trobats
Articles 1 registres trobats  
12 p, 457.2 KB La polychromie baroque en Roussillon / Lugand, Julien (Université Toulouse-le-Mirail. Département Histoire de l'Art)
Contrairement à la sculpture, la polychromie des retables entièrement sculptés roussillonais (1650-1730) n'a pas fait l'objet d'études d'ensemble. Nous souhaitons ici jeter les premières bases de cette étude à venir en trois moments. [...]
In the Roussillon region, the important number of well-preserved baroque altarpieces (1650- 1730) has only been studied from the sculptural aspect. This article wishes to lay the basis for a study of gilding and polychromy on these works, putting the emphasis on the geographical origins of the gilders and on the location of their workshops in the Province; on their working methods; on the different types of activities involved and on the manners the works they used to produce were ordered.

2004 - 10.5565/rev/locus.148
Locus amoenus, N. 7 (2004) , p. 225-236  

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